We’re proud recipient of
Børsen Gazelle Award 2023
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Our Values
Lyngaa Marine is a Danish company, with years of experience, primarily engaged in the development, production and installation of advanced electronic bridge controls for engines, gearboxes, propeller pitch and various alarm systems.
We strive to deliver bridge management facilities with the best quality, brilliant service and on time.
Statements from our costumers

Northern Offshore Services

The first impression of the LMB2100 system was that the system was very easy to understand and operate. All functions were quickly understood by all the relevant crew members, and we have experienced a trouble-free operation so far. But it is also worthwhile to mention the safety features such as automatic overload protection of the main engine and the PTO in-coupling feature, which prevent the user from coupling PTOs in before the main engine has reduced the speed to an allowable level”
Mr. Kjetil,

We are very satisfied with the performance of our new propulsion control
system. The crew and I are impressed with the simplicity and the functionality
of the system. It is very intuitive, and we have experienced no problems with
the transit to the new system. With up to 72 daily round trips the reliability is
important to us, and we firmly believe that we have made the right choice”
Anne-Marie Mortensen, Operations Manager